Lifestyle Financial Planning
At Team Up Planning Group, we believe in the power of teaming up with our clients to learn about what they want to achieve - and providing them with the vision of where they are heading financially.
Through our Lifestyle Financial Planning process, we’ll help you to clarify what your hopes and aspirations for the future are. This leads to having the confidence of knowing where you currently stand, and the changes required to help you achieve your unique financial goals.
How much is enough? What is ‘your number’ – the sum that will provide the life you want without you ever running out of money and remaining financially free? Once we’ve established the base line, you’ll have the confidence to spend without guilt. After all, life is not a dress rehearsal.
Our definition of financial freedom is doing what you want, when you want, where you want, with whom you want, and getting the fulfillment you want. With a ʻbig pictureʼ view to financial planning, we help our clients decide how to live their lives and make it possible.
Our Certified Financial Planner® professionals are your number one advocate, assisting with implementing your personal and business plans to achieve your desired lifestyle. Helping you to identify, achieve and maintain your desired lifestyle without running out of money – or dying with too much. This is our purpose.